Get used to the Entourage
crew filming crew
Approx 100 people on set
HEIDI KLUM & PSY / Frankfurt Shoot
We didn't have long with the talent but we did have fun filming! Heidi was hosting the annual MTV European Music awards in Frankfurt, Germany. The short comedy sketch was created for the show but through popular demand we cut a longer version for the internet & the South Korean rapper's growing fan base. So far I think the various versions have had around 750,000 views on you tube. It was crazy on set with various film crews from around the world filming our film crew plus security guards and 2 x Entourage for the talent!
Heidi said it was a favourite of her four children.
" We do the dance a lot at my house. The [children] are all big fans, we listen to it in the car all the time and we have regular dance parties at the house. I actually have one of those disco balls, and we can make the room dark and have a disco. It's a big success in my house, this dance."
Heidi Klum Does Gangnam Style With Psy, Makes Us Happy the Internet Exists
Many have tried, but all have failed. There just is no topping Psy's original Gangnam Style video. That is, there wasn't, until Heidi Klum put her mind to it. If you were one of the three non-Europeans who tuned in to the MTV European Music Awards, you already saw this. The rest of us had to wait for the video to make its way to YouTube, which, thank God, it has. Heidi and Psy don matching blue suits and do a synchronized air pony after the jump. Happy Friday.
Back Stage
PSY & Kim