It all started when…
Jeanie Barton was given the go ahead to organise a community art event financed by the ‘Welcome back fund’. I was commissioned to create film content to project onto buildings for the event #AlightinBeeston
The concept…
This film reflects on the worlds rising water levels. Shot in Beeston UK, the film consists of 4 vignettes performed by Contemporary Dancers in traditional clothing referring to the mix of Indian, Afghan, African and Chinese communities present in the town, performing dance styles from their regions. The name Beeston comes from our Saxon heritage, "BeosTun" definition ‘Grasslands’ which means it was a good place to settle and live. The Dancers have a slightly shamanistic look as if calling on high for change. The characters represent parts of the world that are worst affected by climate change whilst also representing Beeston’s multicultural community, celebrating the towns diversity. Water levels rise during the piece until finally they are engulfed.
It was an absolute pleasure to work with such a talented team, the cast included X British Gold medalist gymnast and talented actress Hannah Swift and the delightful gifted Ashley David. Thanks to David Stuart Director of photography for working so hard & producing some beautiful images. A special mention to the crew members George Ellison and Nathan Bellaby and last but certainly not least a big shout out to the make up artist Katie Shaw and our wonderful wardrobe assistant Eloise Godfrey. The event was a huge success and had a huge turn out thanks to a big push on social media.