Heidi Klum Set build

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Creating the fake toilet scene was challenging but great fun to do! Thank goodness we were filming in Germany the art department & construction guys were outstanding and very patient with my constant tweaks of the set to get it to look as real as possible. I made initial rough tech drawings first to figure out how it should work, then the wonderful Florian Nitzinger (a freelance art director), came on board and made it happen. We had endless chats on the phone as he was sorting out the build in Germany while I was still in London.

Heidi was such a good sport, she went down the shoot a number of times! She worked late into the night to get the job done. It was an absolute pleasure working with her! We were in this small room with no windows for over 12 hours building the set, by the end of the day it was a bit hot & sticky with all the lights & crew etc, who said this job was glamorous?

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katie Dawson